Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Why We need Google Plus ?

This week we are allowed to write a blog post about whatever the topic we would like to express our idea.Therefore I decided to choose some topic that we learnt in last week lecture.So it's" Google Plus".
Google plus is one of the social media platforms which becomes famous in day by day.

According to Mr.Rohan explanation it is bit like Face Book.But it's not exactly same as the face book.Google plus is a social network where we can share our similarities such as updating status on our profile and our friends can view them on their home page.Google Plus calls our friends and followers as circles.

Google Plus gives you a great opportunity to write about your interests and wants on your profile.If you have any other social media profiles,from Facebook,to Instagram and Pinterest,you must add them to the links section of your Google+ profile as well.

You can find people to add to your circles pretty easily based on your interest with Google's search feature.Like Twitter,the odds are in your favor that if you add them to your Google+ circle,they will follow your account back.Doing so can increase your odds of exposure when you start sharing your content with the world!

Similar to Facebook's "like",Google has"+1" votes.The more +1's your pages and posts the better.Those social signal votes,let Google know that what you're sharing is being read and shared.Google+ profiles and pages can have a significant impact on search rankings.

Based on your google plus account the google will give you a personalized search results and it will be a added advantage on you  to build  your personality among your friends also.Google+ provides you the accessibility for all the products of google such as Reviews,Maps,Chrome,Ads,Hangouts Reviews,Youtube,Drive,Calender and Wallet.

According to my perspective by having Google+ profile will leads you to be a unique person within the social media platform.


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