Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Twitter as a customer service tool

This week I'm going to talk about Twitter as a customer service tool.I'm totally new to twitter network and I didn't much aware about the twitter up to last week lecture.Therefore I would like to give you a brief idea about what is Twitter?

According to WIKIPEDIA,Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters,known as "tweets".But most of the people are not using the Twitter effectively because of the lack of knowledge.In other hand there are lot of advantages in Twitter as a customer service tool.According to scholars Customer service tool can be defined as a tool to build customer loyalty and passionate customer loyalty.Therefore businesses can use Twitter to give their customers a better service.As a business body it is mainly  focus on building brand awareness.So a dedicated customer service twitter handle diverts customer service issues away from a primary Twitter feed,while also providing a very public way to interact with their customer base.

Through friendly tweets about the company we can enhance our brand image.Other than that we can use it as a effective way to response for the customer complaints.Cost reduction also another important advantage of the twitter because it can reduce customer service time,which can save money.On the phone,a chatty or angry customer will relate his life story before getting the point.Twitter interactions are so limited that they must get right to the point.Not only that but also it helps to build followers who are interested in our brand.

Now I'm going explain you how does Twitter acts as a customer service tool.Because of the following characteristics we can identified  Twitter as a customer service tool.

  • It's able to give speedy reply.
In twitter we can get a speedy reply every issue which placed in the twitter.The people are engaged with the twitter within the 24 hrs.Because tweets can be appeared as a text message also.So compared other social media twitter has the speed.

  • It's personal than other media platforms
The other important benefit is the ability to interact with customers on a personal level.This improves trust in the brand and shows the customer that the company is going beyond the call of duty to solve their problem.It makes every effort to replicate face to face interaction.

  • Engagement
Twitter works as a platform for meeting customer expectations and dealing with queries and problems.It is growing in demand and popularity as the relationships between brands and customers becomes more conversational.Trough the use of interesting content,the brand is able to interact with new sectors of its audience,creating new customers through this engagement.

Now I think you have better understanding about the twitter as a customer service tool.


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